Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Facebook For Business: Basics Training

Facebook For Business: Get The Basics Right 

Training business owners in social media means I get to see just how frustrating social media can be for them. Business owners are often time poor, have employees whose time is already allocated to existing jobs and are trying to fit in working on social media accounts in between other jobs. It can seem like just another chore without any benefit that they can see.

 Facebook For Business: Get These Basics Right First.

 Here are 7 points to keep Facebook working for your business. 

 Here's what to do to keep your Facebook business page working

It happens regularly that people come to me or I hear a case of someone who has bought a business or is building a business and using Facebook to build a following.
Then the day comes when they can’t log in.
That’s NO good! You need to keep Facebook working for your business!

 Facebook Marketing: Is It Hot Or Not? 

“Nobody is seeing my posts now on my Facebook business page!!!!”  is the common cry now on social media.

Facebook has throttled the feed to those who have Liked our business page – not only that, they have moved it out of regular stream and now we need to go look for the Pages stream for updates. 

Who does that? Not me. Not often anyway.  Do you?

Find out what to do about it  
Facebook For Business: Still Hot Or Not?

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