"If it is so popular and I am on Facebook why do I need to be on Linkedin?"
This is a real question that I saw a professional ask at a local networking presentation on social media. The question came after the presentation so it is clear that many are still confused about platforms, what they are for and the different uses that they have.
Linkedin is not about chatter. It is about presenting yourself and your professional bona fides online first and foremost. When people look for you on search - as they do - you want your best information available to show you are good at what you do, understand the new business environment and are up-to-date and savvy on what's going on in the world and especially in your particular niche. Linkedin is the first place to use for this. It is your billboard on the internet and your contact point for anyone who is looking for you.
But there are other reasons to be on Linkedin too and ways to use Linkedin that are beneficial for business an can put you in the running for opportunities that would pass you by otherwise.
Linkedin is becoming more and more
useful. If you are not on Linkedin consider these reasons why you will
benefit by using this platform.
LinkedIn is the preeminent
professional business networking platform and provides a great way to
create a means of keeping track of, and in contact with those business
contacts that you have made in recent times, in times to come, and even
those people who you’ve known throughout your working and school life.
For many people the idea of joining a network group like LinkedIn
seems to be a strange thing to do and really, they don’t understand why
they might want to be involved. After all, they have their contacts in
their address book already right? They know where they can reach those
people they want to talk to, and that’s all they need…isn’t it?
Here’s the difference.
Linkedin does itself become a database of your contacts, a ‘back-up’
of your business contacts and useful in that respect. But it is far
more. What it really is, is a door to opening your opportunity to meet
those people of influence in the lives of the people with whom you
already share a connection, and a set of tools to enable you to access
the collective wisdom of this super-extended network.
So how can you use LinkedIn?
There are many ways to use LinkedIn and each person will find a way
that suits their own needs at the time. This may start out as a simple
collection of your contacts, but may develop into quite different uses
over time.
Some other ways that people use LinkedIn…
• Your business contact database backup
• Introductions to people you want to meet
• Identifying the decision makers in the companies with whom you want to do business
• Getting feedback on ideas or questions that you may have from specific industry specialists
• Expanding your professional network
• Growing your understanding of the things that are important to people you know
• Being visible to your market
• Prestige of being prominent in your profession
• Online endorsements of your work, by those who know and respect you, are available to all to see online
• Opportunity to give to those individuals, whose professional expertise
you regard highly, a written endorsement, is a great gift to extend to
your contacts, and is at the heart of “Giving First”
• Show that you are up-to-speed on current networking methods using technology to spread your name further
• Access new work or business opportunities
• Recruit new staff
• Check out people you want to learn about
• Connect with potential business venture partners
• Meet people in new markets that you might want to develop
• Reconnect with professional people with whom you’ve lost touch.
• Share your expertise
Every day, there are many people, as a result of LinkedIn, signing
new business, hiring new people, getting new jobs, meeting new people of
influence, and getting answers from specialists, expanding their own
circle of influence and helping others in their network to achieve more.
As you think about it now… How might using LinkedIn help you achieve more?
Call Lindy Asimus to arrange training on how to use Linkedin to optimize your personal and company profile on Linkedin.(Yes, you can also have a Company profile!)
Mobile 0403 365 855
Social Media Training For Corporations is also available to cover all the social media platforms and tailored to your industry and integrating with your social media policy. Call or email for details.
Serving the Newcastle and Hunter Region. Other locations by arrangement.
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