
Host A Workshop - And Get Your Network Working With You!

It seems that everyone is talking about social networking but many are confused and really don't know where to start. Or they are paddling around on Facebook not really getting anywhere. 

Hosting a workshop lets you add value for your clients or business associates and develop your own network of trained partners to support your online campaigns and lift your profile for mutual benefit. This is a great way to get the ball rolling and to position yourself as being a thought leader and socially influential to your associated business contacts.

The Workshops

The world of business marketing has changed and local businesses have the ability to access technology to promote their business and turbo-charge their marketing and respond in real-time to customers and build recognition and positioning as the experts in their particular field... and grab top spot in search for their category.  Purpose of the workshops is to end confusion that participants may be experiencing, educate business owners and managers on the new digital and social media space, show you how to integrate these platforms with your business and traditional marketing and traps to avoid.   Duration of the presentation is 1.5 hours plus question time. Participants are encouraged to ask any questions you have along the way so that when you leave you have a much clearer understanding of how it all works and what you can do in your business to make progress online.

Integrating Online Marketing
Many businesses have learned to think of social media as some silo separate from the business. In reality it should be as integral to your operations as your customer database and every other operation in your business. In this workshop we look at how to get the most from your social media marketing and make sure that you are getting the best result from visitors to your site from Search, how to drive people to your site using social media and how to obtain the best conversion from visiting – to buying. Because really – the only numbers that count are those with $ signs attached. Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Blogging, customer acquisition and retention will be covered.

Linkedin For Your Business
Linkedin remains a mystery for many despite many people having an account. Sometimes social media is regarded as just ‘playing on Facebook’ and not for every business. This may be close to true for some but in reality there are many ways to use the facilities for deep analytical approach to marketing and obtaining a competitive advantage. Things are easy when you know how. In this workshop you will learn how to use Linkedin, how to meet people of influence that are outside your existing circle of contacts, how to showcase your professional standing and expertise and how to not ruin your reputation online.

Facebook and Twitter For Your Business
Every day I see businesses using their personal Facebook profile as a business. Perhaps they don’t know that this is a Terms of Service violation of their account and perhaps they don’t know that all their hard work over a long time can end up with their account being deleted and all those contacts lost.  In this session we will look at how to use Facebook to promote your local business, how to improve engagement and how to use your secret weapon to build your list of people who Like your page and can be advocates for your business. We will look at what to do, how to target your offers to the right people and what to never do.

Content Marketing and Blogging For Your Business
Many business owners are confused by their website and how Search Engine Optimisation works. Many “SEO experts” are too! Search engines like Google don’t see what we see. They see words on the page and behind the page and that’s all they see. What might look good to us on a browser might look like a blank screen if you are a Google indexing robot. Google in particular loves fresh content. That is updated information and they like it to be not only fresh but also of value to those searching for this information and to be relevant. In this session we will look at how you can create content easily and use your blog as the tool for maximising your presence online and improving your content creation and curating online to improve your results in search. We will also look at how this can improve your site for search engines ... AND the people who find your site.

Presenting your business online and offline
With changes to how the internet and social media affects consumer actions it has never been more important to look the part when it comes to doing business. You take pride in your products and services and yet many websites and online platforms leave you let down by how your business appears. In this session we will look at all the places where you have an opportunity (and a responsibility) to present your business in a way that looks as great as the products and services you actually provide. Visual clichés are out – customers want to see real people and know they are dealing with reliable businesses that care enough about the details to take pride in their business appearance and that builds confidence that you will care about the details that relate to me too.

Social Media and Your Team (also available to run in-house)
– How To Make The Most of Online Opportunities For Your Business
Many business struggle with social media access for employees and want to control this.  The reality is that there is no way to control this and your best option is to understand the environment (good and bad aspects) and bring your team onboard to help you avoid the downside – and leverage the upside of the new digital marketplace. 

In this workshop we will look at how you can approach setting up your social media policies without violating your employees’ rights, how to encourage safe use of social media, good practices for staff to consider for their own future safety and how to expand the reach of your business using the channels of your employees’ existing networks. 

Not For Profits and Social Media Workshop is also available.  

Note: Also available packages for Business Coaching and Personal Coaching for Executives

If you would like to discuss hosting a social media workshop for your business 
call Lindy Asimus on 0403 365 855

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